Friday, January 29, 2010


Women in Need of Sanity.

That is the very unofficial name of my book club. What is ironic about the title is that 3 of the 6 of us drink next to nothing - ever, and the rest of us (no, I don't fall in the first category) drink very little during our meetings. (not that I partake much outside of meetings either...and not that there would be anything wrong with it if I did...I'm referring to alcohol of course.) ahem, moving on... We do drink, in fact we are very good at coming up with themed foods and beverages for our meetings, and it usually involves a completely new alcoholic try. But we liked the acronym and the irony it brought with it. This month it was Atole, a nonalcoholic hot drink made with masa was awesome!

We met again this evening, our book was Barbara Kingsolver's The Laguna. Admittedly, I did not get the book read in time. This is uncommon for me, I usually complete the book, but not this month. I've been a little preoccupied as you well know. So, now I have 2 books to read before our next meeting. Next month it's My Life in France by Julia Child. I can't WAIT to see what our menu will be for this book! I think I blog nearly every month after we meet because I can honestly say that I feel completely refreshed and rejuvenated and I leave feeling whole after each of our get togethers. It's something I wouldn't have pictured for myself, I didn't realize I wanted a group like this until I spoke the words outloud nearly 2 years ago...and now? I can't imagine not spending at least one evening with them every month. Thank you WINOS for keeping me fed, keeping me sane, and for giving me something to look forward to!

This is Soppapilla Cheesecake, and Kahlua Chocolate Cake with Kahlua Cream. Um, amazing. Soo good.

Benjamin and Bennett (Ben 1 and Ben 2) crashed our meeting after returning from the Science Museum. They know the best part about book club is the food...they weren't disappointed!