Sunday, May 23, 2010

Even the deer

We sang Amazing Grace at dad's funeral.

We sang Amazing Grace this morning at church.

It was chilly and it rained and thundered during dad's funeral.

It was hot humid and sunny today.

We were relieved to know that dad was not in pain, and we celebrated his new life with our Savior the day of his funeral.

We spread dad's ashes today.

All of us. The kids and Brian spread handfuls, dad's brothers spread handfuls, my sisters and I emptied our was emotional.

The butterflies flew over head, the sun was shining, the water gurgled around our feet as we stood staggered out in the water, and the birds were singing. Even dad's deer were there. We saw them as we walked to the water. They wanted to say goodbye too.

He's been brought to his final resting place.

Today bittersweet.

I miss him.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

It's the simple reminders; a particular song, her favorite color, a certain flower, or her favorite food that makes me miss my mom so much. The joy of remembering brings a smile to my face, but the pain of the loss makes my heart ache. Thinking of you!!!!!