Sunday, August 10, 2008

Today we say goodbye....

Today we said goodbye to my Grampa Thompson. Once again we were shown that God is a good God, we feel comforted knowing that he was in his own bed, in his home and he was sleeping. God's grace was proven again when my uncle Tim and his wife decided to take an impromptu drive from the cities to visit my grandparents unannounced, so when the discovery was made my grandmother was not alone. He is a remarkable God who looked out for my grandmother and surrounded her today with daughters and sons and grandchildren who love her.
Todays experience taught me to never take time for granted. I was able to spend a few precious moments with my grandma alone while we sat with grandpa, and I will cherish that time as long as I am able. We know of God's goodness and love and it is what will keep us strong as a family as we head into this week of preparations.
As I stood in the living room, as they wheeled my grandpa out the door, I happened to look out the door, and the scene that I saw gave me peace. I don't know why it did, but I felt a wave come over me, and for a moment I smiled inside. Later I took a picture of that scene because when I think of this day, and think of all that was happening, I want to remember the moment that I felt peaceful. Something about the view of the city from high above on the hill, and the beauty of the was comforting to me.

1 comment:

Clay Perry said...

what does one say, there really are no words. i lost my dad in feb of this year, the pain doesnt go away, you just learn to make friends with it. i am sorry for the loss..