Sunday, January 3, 2010

Not Me! Monday

** Creating a post on one day, intended to be posted the next day makes for a confusing entry! For those of you quick enough to my blog to have caught my mishmash of words--whoops! I've hopefully fixed it so it makes much more sense!

Not Me! Monday was born out of MckMama's desire to admit her imperfections w/o actually having to admit them. Are you ashamed for screening your mom's phone call simply because you wanted to finish watching a movie? Wishing you hadn't eaten an entire pecan pie over Thanksgiving? Feeling guilty about hiding out in the shower just to have a few moments of quiet? Don't be. That is what Not Me Monday is for!

I definitely did not get on the scale on Saturday and instantly regret 10 days of eating holiday foods and sweets! While I did not eat an entire pie myself, I certainly did not over do it on dips, and cheeseballs, left over turkey pot pie, and almond bark pretzels!

It was definitely not me who did not even go near a door Sunday much less consider going outside. It was just. too. cold. And because I was too wimpy to go outside, it was absolutely not me who shooed the boys out into the frigid MN winter to burn off some of the massive energy that they had stored up!

It wasn't me who made promises of photos in Monday's post that likely won't make it into the blog on time. I tried and tried to crop and rotate and twist and turn to add some spice to my photos only to come up empty handed. I guess I don't need more time!

And lastly, it was not me who fell completely apart after receiving a phone call from my sister late Sunday night that dad was being admitted into the hospital in the cities again. He has been vomiting for days and is in quite a bit of pain, so he was admitted to relieve his pain and get him on iv fluids. I am much too level headed and rational to let an unexpected admission to the hospital send me into a tail spin. I most certainly did not wake my husband up so that he could comfort me while I was not falling apart.

Thank God for husbands. Thank God for Him.

I'm not strong. I'm trying though.

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